Cytogenetics — Macroevolution — Macroecology

How do genome size and polyploidy influence evolution and distribution of plants?

My research focuses on exploring the genomic basis of plant evolution, with particular interest in how genome size (amount of DNA in the nucleus of a cell) and polyploidy (number of chromosome sets in a cell) drives the emergence of new traits, trait space and species, facilitating adaptation and distribution of plants. 

Although scientists have extensively worked on genome size and polyploidy, their influence on plant evolution at a global scale through evolutionary time remains largely under-explored. My research aims to bridge the knowledge gap between microevolution, focusing on causal relationships, and macroevolution, centered on correlations by addressing how genome size and polyploidy impact plant traits, diversification and distribution at a macroevolutionary scale

My hypothesis is that these genomic factors profoundly influence evolution of plant traits and trait syndromes, which in turn affect the conditions in which plants can grow and diversify, and in which they cannot, affecting the adaptive potential of the species vulnerable to climate change. This will support more efficient conservation strategies.

If you are an evolution enthusiast, interested in my research or want to collaborate, please contact me: